Clients (alphabetical order)
Company Products I've worked on
2nd World Simulations Master of Arms
Citizen Games Castle Dunmere; The Secret of Greenrock; Orn PDF; Slithering Abomination PDF
Legion Publishing Wondrous Lands: Nexelan Island Necropolis; Wondrous Lands: Celestial Mountain; Weird Wars II: A Bridge Across Time
MonkeyGod Enterprises From Stone to Steel; Hero Snare
Troll Lord Games Codex of Erde; St. Anton's Fire; Canting Crew; The Lost City of Gaxmoor; Heart of Glass
Mission: My goal as an illustrator is to create dynamic and engaging images that meet all the needs of my clients. With every illustration I try to improve on my skills from storytelling to composition to color.
Media & Process: I typically start a drawing the old-fashioned way - pencil and paper. This gets scanned into the computer to either be printed for manual inking or directly painted in Corel's Painter. I also us Adobe Photoshop to fine tune the image and get it ready for publication.
Background: I've always had an interest in art but my formal education led me to a Master's degree in Archaeology and a full-time job in computerized mapping (GIS). Freelance illustration is a part-time job right now but deep inside I maintain hope that it can be more.